Friday, 9 March 2007

Back at long last!!

Soon be Summer!!!

Apols for anyone who has been waiting the last month or so for a post. I've been having a lot of PC and Net niggles, but touch wood, these are over. Being a techno-sceptic I won't bore you with it all.

Also I've updated a couple of the links at the bottom of the blog. Hope to add some more in the near future. I'm open to anyone wanting to promote their services or goods if I like what you do. I'm thinking of having a proper webpage and going into Myspace but one thing at a time!


Anglonoel said...

It's sunset, English Bay Vancouver, looking east.

Anglonoel said...

Mari- my Spanish is pretty poor. Being English is really lucky, a good proportion of the planet can speak at least some English. I think to relearn Spanish well I'd have to go an a course and/or go to live in a Spanish-speaking country, somewhere where v.few people speak English. Otherwise I'd become lazy abroad.

French is a slightly different matter, as a good proportion of English comes from Norman-French. It is the main source of Latinesque language in English (the Romans left nothing but place names- any place in England with "caster", "cester" or "chester" at the end of its name indicates Roman origins. Similarly, places ending with "ton" and "ham" are Anglo-Saxon, "thorpe" or "by" Danish Viking). It is easy to use French influenced language in English and pick up French.

Your English is bloody good! If I could speak/write in French, let alone Spanish, like you do on a regular basis I would be very proud of myself. Don't worry!